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ファイル: src/template-functions.php
function wcexwl_get_wishlist_batch_action_section() { $display = Master::getFilterableValues(); $btnprimary = $display['btnprimary']; $buttonclass = 'wcexwl ' . $btnprimary . ' batch-button'; ob_start(); ?> <div class="wcexwl flex row-nowrap batch-action-container"> <select id="wcexwl_batch_dropdown" value="none"> <option value="none"><?php echo $display['selectText']; ?></option> <option value="batchAddToCart"><?php echo $display['toCartSelectText']; ?></option> <option value="batchDelete"><?php echo $display['deleteSelectText']; ?></option> </select> <input id="wcexwl_batch_button" class="<?php echo esc_attr($buttonclass); ?>" type="submit" onclick="return wcexwl.wishlist.clickBatchActionButton(event, this);" value="<?php echo $display['wishlistBatchButtonText']; ?>" /> </div> <?php $html = (string)ob_get_clean(); /** * Filters the HTML of the batch dropdown section displayed on the wishlist page * * @important * @param string $html * @param string $btnprimary Button primary CSS class name * @param string $buttonclass Button CSS full class name */ $html = apply_filters('wcexwl_filter_wlpage_batch_dropdown', $html, $btnprimary, $buttonclass); return $html; }