ソース ソース
ファイル: src/React/ItemPage/ItemPage.php
class ItemPage extends ItemPageBase { const SCRIPT_HANDLE = 'wcexwl-item-react'; /** * Tracks whether the current SKU hidden input has been created * * @var bool */ private $skutrackerset = false; /** * Loads our React app * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @return void */ protected function loadImplementationAssets() { $assetsmap = include(WCEXWL_PLUGIN_DIR . '/dist/js/React/ItemPage/App.asset.php'); wp_enqueue_script( self::SCRIPT_HANDLE, WCEXWL_PLUGIN_URL . '/dist/js/React/ItemPage/App.js', $assetsmap['dependencies'], $assetsmap['version'], true ); wp_localize_script( self::SCRIPT_HANDLE, 'wcexwl', array_merge( $this->master->getScriptInjectionVariables(), ['postId' => (int)get_the_ID()] ) ); } /** * Updates the value of the currently selected SKU when using `wcex_sku_select` * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @param int $post_id * @return void */ public function updateCurrentSku($post_id) { ?> $('#wcexwl_itempage_current_sku_<?php echo $post_id; ?>').val(data['sku_enc']).trigger('change'); <?php } /** * Adds wishlist button next to "Add to Cart" button on item pages * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @param string $html * @return string */ public function addWishlistButton($html) { global $usces; $currentsku = urlencode($usces->itemsku['code']); ob_start(); ?> <div class="wcexwl item-page-buttons flex row-wrap ai-stretch jc-flex-end ml-05rem-children-not-first mt-05rem-children"> <?php echo $html; ?> <?php if ($this->skutrackerset === false) : ?> <input type="hidden" id="wcexwl_itempage_current_sku_<?php echo esc_attr((int)get_the_ID()); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr($currentsku); ?>" /> <?php $this->skutrackerset = true; ?> <?php endif; ?> <div class="wcexwl_react_app wcexwl flex row-wrap ai-stretch" id="wcexwl_itempage_app_<?php echo esc_attr($currentsku); ?>" name="<?php echo esc_attr($currentsku); ?>" ></div> </div> <?php $html = (string)ob_get_clean(); return $html; } }
- addWishlistButton — Adds wishlist button next to "Add to Cart" button on item pages
- loadImplementationAssets — Loads our React app
- updateCurrentSku — Updates the value of the currently selected SKU when using `wcex_sku_select`