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ファイル: src/Routing/AmazonMiddleware.php
class AmazonMiddleware { /** * Amazon Pay module object * * @var AmazonPay */ private $module; /** * Instantiates middleware * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @param AmazonPay $module */ public function __construct(AmazonPay $module) { $this->module = $module; } /** * Sets `$_POST['offer']['payment_name']` to Amazon Pay payment method name * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @return Closure&#Function#cececce */ public function setPaymentMethodToAmazonPay() { return function () { $_POST['offer']['payment_name'] = $this->module->getPaymentNameByActingFlag(); }; } /** * Clears `$_SESSION['usces_entry']['delivery']` * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @return Closure&#Function#86f215e4 */ public function payOnlyClearDeliverySession() { return function () { unset($_SESSION['usces_entry']['delivery']); }; } /** * Puts checkout session response in `$_SESSION` * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @return Closure&#Function#7a371dcb */ public function putGetCheckoutSessionResponseInSession() { return function () { $sessionId = $_REQUEST['amazonCheckoutSessionId']; $result = (new CheckoutSession\Get($this->module))->get($sessionId); $response = json_decode($result['response'], true); $_SESSION['amazonCheckoutSession'] = $response; $_SESSION['amazonCheckoutSessionId'] = $sessionId; }; } /** * Populate Welcart `$_POST['customer']` with Amazon checkout session data * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @param bool $payandship * @return Closure&#Function#28b01377 */ public function setCustomerDataWithCheckoutSession($payandship) { return function () use ($payandship) { if (!usces_is_login()) { $response = $_SESSION['amazonCheckoutSession']; $fullname = explode(' ', $response['buyer']['name']); $name1 = $fullname[0]; $name2 = isset($fullname[1]) ? join(' ', array_slice($fullname, 1)) : ''; $entries = isset($_SESSION['usces_entry']) ? $_SESSION['usces_entry'] : []; $_POST['customer'] = isset($entries['customer']) ? $entries['customer'] : []; $customer = []; $customer['name1'] = $name1; $customer['name2'] = $name2; $customer['mailaddress1'] = $response['buyer']['email']; $customer['mailaddress2'] = $response['buyer']['email']; $opts = $this->module->getActingOpts(); if ($opts['quickpay_default_customer_address_details'] === 'on' && $payandship === true) { $delivery = $this->getDeliveryAddressFromCheckoutSession($response); $customer['country'] = $delivery['country']; $customer['fax'] = $delivery['fax']; $customer['pref'] = $delivery['pref']; $customer['tel'] = $delivery['tel']; $customer['zipcode'] = $delivery['zipcode']; $customer['address1'] = $delivery['address1']; $customer['address2'] = $delivery['address2']; $customer['address3'] = $delivery['address3']; } $_POST['customer'] = $customer; } }; } /** * Populate Welcart `$_POST['delivery']` with Amazon checkout session data * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @param bool $clearExisting `true` if `$_SESSION['usces_entry']['delivery']` should be cleared, `false` otherwise. * Default: `false` * @return Closure&#Function#3fcb4e59 */ public function setDeliveryDataWithCheckoutSession($clearExisting = false) { return function () use ($clearExisting) { if ($clearExisting === true) { unset($_SESSION['usces_entry']['delivery']); } $response = $_SESSION['amazonCheckoutSession']; $_POST['delivery'] = $this->getDeliveryAddressFromCheckoutSession($response); }; } /** * Returns delivery address parsed from an Amazon Checkout Session * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @param array $checkoutSession * @return array */ public function getDeliveryAddressFromCheckoutSession($checkoutSession) { $opts = $this->module->getActingOpts(); $sandbox = $opts['sandbox']; $address = $checkoutSession['shippingAddress']; $pref = $address['stateOrRegion']; $deliveryFullname = explode(' ', $address['name']); $deliveryName1 = $deliveryFullname[0]; $deliveryName2 = isset($deliveryFullname[1]) ? join(' ', array_slice($deliveryFullname, 1)) : ''; // set flag to 1 because address is pulled from Amazon account $delivery = []; $delivery['delivery_flag'] = 1; $delivery['name1'] = $deliveryName1; $delivery['name2'] = $deliveryName2; $delivery['name3'] = ''; $delivery['name4'] = ''; $delivery['country'] = $address['countryCode']; $delivery['fax'] = ''; $delivery['pref'] = $pref; $delivery['tel'] = $address['phoneNumber']; $delivery['zipcode'] = $address['postalCode']; $delivery['address1'] = $sandbox ? $address['city'] . $address['addressLine1'] : $address['addressLine1']; $delivery['address2'] = $address['addressLine2']; $delivery['address3'] = $address['addressLine3']; // make sure Japanese prefecture name is converted to Japanese if it is in English if ($delivery['country'] === 'JP') { if (array_key_exists($delivery['pref'], Constants::ETOJ_PREF_MAP) === true) { $delivery['pref'] = Constants::ETOJ_PREF_MAP[$delivery['pref']]; } } elseif ($delivery['country'] === 'US') { $states = get_option('usces_states'); if (!in_array($delivery['pref'], $states, true)) { if (array_key_exists($delivery['pref'], Constants::ISO_US_STATE_CODE_MAP) === true) { $delivery['pref'] = Constants::ISO_US_STATE_CODE_MAP[$delivery['pref']]; } } } return $delivery; } }
- __construct — Instantiates middleware
- getDeliveryAddressFromCheckoutSession — Returns delivery address parsed from an Amazon Checkout Session
- payOnlyClearDeliverySession — Clears `$_SESSION['usces_entry']['delivery']`
- putGetCheckoutSessionResponseInSession — Puts checkout session response in `$_SESSION`
- setCustomerDataWithCheckoutSession — Populate Welcart `$_POST['customer']` with Amazon checkout session data
- setDeliveryDataWithCheckoutSession — Populate Welcart `$_POST['delivery']` with Amazon checkout session data
- setPaymentMethodToAmazonPay — Sets `$_POST['offer']['payment_name']` to Amazon Pay payment method name