ソース ソース
ファイル: src/Components/OrderSummary/OrderSummary.php
class OrderSummary extends VueComponent { /** * Loads CSS * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @return void */ public function init() { add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', function () { $semantic = new Semantic(); $semantic->loadSegmentCss(); $semantic->loadLoaderCss(); $semantic->loadDimmerCss(); }); } /** * Returns component name as is recognized by Vue. * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @return string */ public function getComponentName() { return 'orderSummaryTableComponent'; } /** * Prints order summary table for quickpay page * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @global array $usces_entries * @return void */ public function template() { global $usces_entries; $propsAndEvents = []; if ($this->controlledComponent === true) { $propsAndEvents[] = 'v-bind:shipping-charge="order.formatted_shipping_charge"'; $propsAndEvents[] = 'v-bind:total-full-price="order.formatted_total_full_price"'; $propsAndEvents[] = 'v-bind:formatted-discount="order.formatted_discount"'; $propsAndEvents[] = 'v-bind:formatted-tax="order.formatted_tax"'; $propsAndEvents[] = 'v-bind:discount="order.discount"'; $propsAndEvents[] = 'v-bind:usedpoint="order.usedpoint"'; $propsAndEvents[] = 'v-bind:loading="loading"'; } else { $order = $usces_entries['order']; $order['shipping_charge'] = isset($order['shipping_charge']) ? (int)$order['shipping_charge'] : 0; $order['total_full_price'] = isset($order['total_full_price']) ? (int)$order['total_full_price'] : 0; $order['discount'] = isset($order['discount']) ? $order['discount'] : 0; $order['usedpoint'] = isset($order['usedpoint']) ? (int)$order['usedpoint'] : 0; $order['formatted_shipping_charge'] = usces_crform($order['shipping_charge'], true, false, 'return'); $order['formatted_total_full_price'] = usces_crform($order['total_full_price'], true, false, 'return'); $order['formatted_discount'] = usces_crform($order['discount'], true, false, 'return'); $order['formatted_tax'] = usces_tax($usces_entries, 'return'); $propsAndEvents[] = 'shipping-charge="' . $order['formatted_shipping_charge'] . '"'; $propsAndEvents[] = 'total-full-price="' . $order['formatted_total_full_price'] . '"'; $propsAndEvents[] = 'formatted-discount="' . $order['formatted_discount'] . '"'; $propsAndEvents[] = 'formatted-tax="' . $order['formatted_tax'] . '"'; $propsAndEvents[] = 'v-bind:discount="' . $order['discount'] . '"'; $propsAndEvents[] = 'v-bind:usedpoint="' . $order['usedpoint'] . '"'; } $allPropsAndEvents = join(' ', $propsAndEvents); ?> <order-summary-table-component <?php echo $allPropsAndEvents; ?> inline-template > <div> <?php ob_start(); ?> <div class="currency_code"> <?php ob_start(); _e('Currency', 'usces'); ?> : <?php usces_crcode(); ?> <?php $currency = ob_get_clean(); /** * Filters the currency display of the `order-summary-table-component` Vue component * shown on the Quickpay page * * @param string $currency */ echo apply_filters('wcexaap_checkout_review_filter_ordersummary_currency', $currency); ?> </div> <div v-cloak class="ui basic blurring segment"> <div v-if="loading" class="ui inverted light active dimmer"> <div class="ui loader"></div> </div> <table cellspacing="0" id="cart_table"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="row" class="num"><?php _e('No.', 'usces'); ?></th> <th class="thumbnail"></th> <th class="productname"><?php _e('item name', 'usces'); ?></th> <th class="price"><?php _e('Unit price', 'usces'); ?></th> <th class="quantity"><?php _e('Quantity', 'usces'); ?></th> <th class="subtotal"><?php _e('Amount', 'usces'); ?></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php usces_get_confirm_rows(); ?> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr> <th class="num"></th> <th class="thumbnail"></th> <th colspan="3" class="aright"><?php _e('total items', 'usces'); ?></th> <th class="aright amount"><?php usces_crform($usces_entries['order']['total_items_price'], true, false); ?></th> </tr> <tr v-if="discount"> <td class="num"></td> <td class="thumbnail"></td> <td colspan="3" class="aright"> <?php /** * Mirrored Welcart filter * * @ignore */ echo apply_filters('usces_confirm_discount_label', __('Campaign disnount', 'usces')); ?> </td> <td class="aright" style="color:#FF0000"> {{ formattedDiscount }} </td> </tr> <?php if (usces_is_tax_display() && 'products' == usces_get_tax_target()) : ?> <tr> <td class="num"></td> <td class="thumbnail"></td> <td colspan="3" class="aright"><?php usces_tax_label(); ?></td> <td class="aright">{{ formattedTax }}</td> </tr> <?php endif; ?> <tr v-if="usedpoint"> <td class="num"></td> <td class="thumbnail"></td> <td colspan="3" class="aright"><?php _e('Used points', 'usces'); ?></td> <td class="aright" style="color:#FF0000"> {{ usedpoint }} </td> </tr> <?php if (usces_have_shipped()) : ?> <tr> <td class="num"></td> <td class="thumbnail"></td> <td colspan="3" class="aright"><?php _e('Shipping', 'usces'); ?></td> <td class="aright fade" id="postage"> {{ shippingCharge }} </td> </tr> <?php endif; ?> <?php if (!empty($usces_entries['order']['cod_fee'])) : ?> <tr> <td class="num"></td> <td class="thumbnail"></td> <td colspan="3" class="aright"> <?php /** * Mirrored Welcart filter * * @ignore */ echo apply_filters('usces_filter_cod_label', __('COD fee', 'usces')); ?> </td> <td class="aright"><?php usces_crform($usces_entries['order']['cod_fee'], true, false); ?></td> </tr> <?php endif; ?> <?php if (usces_is_tax_display() && 'all' == usces_get_tax_target()) : ?> <tr> <td class="num"></td> <td class="thumbnail"></td> <td colspan="3" class="aright"><?php usces_tax_label(); ?></td> <td class="aright">{{ formattedTax }}</td> </tr> <?php endif; ?> <tr> <th class="num"></th> <th class="thumbnail"></th> <th colspan="3" class="aright"><?php _e('Total Amount', 'usces'); ?></th> <th class="aright amount fade"> {{ totalFullPrice }} </th> </tr> </tfoot> </table> </div> <?php $vuehtml = ob_get_clean(); /** * Filters the `order-summary-table-component` Vue component HTML shown on the Quickpay page * * @param string $vuehtml */ echo apply_filters('wcexaap_checkout_review_filter_ordersummary_table', $vuehtml); ?> </div> </order-summary-table-component> <?php } }
- getComponentName — Returns component name as is recognized by Vue.
- init — Loads CSS
- template — Prints order summary table for quickpay page