ソース ソース
ファイル: src/Components/CustomFields/CustomFields.php
class CustomFields extends VueComponent { /** * Used for name attribute of hidden reg fields (customer, member, etc.) * * @var string */ public $ident = 'customer'; /** * True to display form errors in component html, false to not show errors * * @var boolean */ public $display_errors = true; /** * Flag for custom fields meta * * @var boolean */ public $hasCustomFields; /** * Array of custom fields * * @var array */ public $customFields; /** * Template string * * @var string */ public $template = 'welcart'; /** * Template object * * @var mixed */ public $templateObject; /** * Initialize type of registration * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @global array usces_essential_mark * @global \usc_e_shop $usces * @param array $config * @param bool $controlledComponent */ public function __construct($config, $controlledComponent = true) { global $usces, $usces_essential_mark; parent::__construct($controlledComponent); foreach ($config as $key => $val) { if (isset($this->{$key})) { $this->{$key} = $val; } } $meta = usces_has_custom_field_meta($this->ident); $this->hasCustomFields = !empty($meta) ? true : false; $this->customFields = []; $label = 'custom_' . $this->ident; $data = $this->ident === 'member' ? $usces->get_member() : $usces->cart->get_entry(); if (!empty($meta) && is_array($meta)) { foreach ($meta as $key => $entry) { $value = ''; $means = (int)$entry['means']; $name = $entry['name']; $selects = []; // if select box, radio, or checkbox if ($means === 0 || $means === 1 || $means === 3 || $means === 4) { if (is_array($entry['value'])) { foreach ($entry['value'] as $k => $v) { $value .= $v . "\n"; } } $value = usces_change_line_break($value); $selects = explode("\n", $value); } switch ($means) { case 0: // シングルセレクト case 1: // マルチセレクト NOTE: multi-select isnt an option for custom fields $value = (int)$entry['essential'] === 1 ? '#NONE#' : ''; foreach ($selects as $v) { $value = (isset($data[$label][$key]) && $data[$label][$key] == $v) ? esc_html($v) : $value; } $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $selects[0]; /** * Filters the custom fields default value for a **select** field shown on the Quickpay page * * @param string $value * @param array $selects * @param string $ident `customer`, `order`, `delivery`, or `member` * @param string $key Custom field key * @param array $entry { * Custom field data * * @type int $means Flag denoting the type of field (checkbox, radio, etc.) * @type string $name Custom field display name * @type string $value Custom field default value * @type int $essential 1 if the field is required, 0 if optional * } */ $value = apply_filters( 'wcexaap_custom_fields_select_default_value', $value, $selects, $this->ident, $key, $entry ); break; case 2: // テキスト $value = isset($data[$label][$key]) ? $data[$label][$key] : ''; /** * Filters the custom fields default value for a **text** field shown on the Quickpay page * * @param string $value * @param array $selects * @param string $ident `customer`, `order`, `delivery`, or `member` * @param string $key Custom field key * @param array $entry See {@see 'wcexaap_custom_fields_select_default_value'} */ $value = apply_filters( 'wcexaap_custom_fields_text_default_value', $value, $selects, $this->ident, $key, $entry ); break; case 3: // ラジオボタン $value = ''; foreach ($selects as $v) { $value = (isset($data[$label][$key]) && $data[$label][$key] == $v) ? esc_html($v) : $value; } /** * Filters the custom fields default value for a **radio** field shown on the Quickpay page * * @param string $value * @param array $selects * @param string $ident `customer`, `order`, `delivery`, or `member` * @param string $key Custom field key * @param array $entry See {@see 'wcexaap_custom_fields_select_default_value'} */ $value = apply_filters( 'wcexaap_custom_fields_radio_default_value', $value, $selects, $this->ident, $key, $entry ); break; case 4: // チェックボックス $value = []; foreach ($selects as $v) { if (isset($data[$label][$key]) && is_array($data[$label][$key])) { $value[$v] = (isset($data[$label][$key]) && array_key_exists($v, $data[$label][$key])) ? [$v] : []; } else { $value[$v] = (isset($data[$label][$key]) && $data[$label][$key] == $v) ? [$v] : []; } } /** * Filters the custom fields default value for a **checkbox** field shown on the Quickpay page * * @param string $value * @param array $selects * @param string $ident `customer`, `order`, `delivery`, or `member` * @param string $key Custom field key * @param array $entry See {@see 'wcexaap_custom_fields_select_default_value'} */ $value = apply_filters( 'wcexaap_custom_fields_checkbox_default_value', $value, $selects, $this->ident, $key, $entry ); break; case 5: // Text-area $value = isset($data[$label][$key]) ? $data[$label][$key] : ''; /** * Filters the custom fields default value for a **textarea** field shown on the Quickpay page * * @param string $value * @param array $selects * @param string $ident `customer`, `order`, `delivery`, or `member` * @param string $key Custom field key * @param array $entry See {@see 'wcexaap_custom_fields_select_default_value'} */ $value = apply_filters( 'wcexaap_custom_fields_textarea_default_value', $value, $this->ident, $key, $entry ); break; } $e = ''; if ((int)$entry['essential'] === 1) { $e = isset($usces_essential_mark[$key]) ? usces_get_essential_mark($key) : '<em>' . __('*', 'usces') . '</em>'; } $this->customFields[$key] = [ 'value' => $value, 'name' => $name, 'error_message' => // 2 is text, 5 is text-area $means !== 2 && $means !== 5 ? sprintf(__('Chose the %s', 'usces'), $name) : sprintf(__('Input the %s', 'usces'), $name), 'means' => $means, 'essential' => ((int)$entry['essential'] === 1), 'e_mark' => $e, ]; } } switch ($this->template) { case 'semantic': $this->templateObject = new Templates\Semantic( $this->hasCustomFields, $this->customFields ); break; case 'welcart': $this->templateObject = new Templates\Welcart(); break; default: $this->templateObject = new Templates\Welcart(); break; } } /** * Initializes component * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @return void */ public function init() { if (method_exists($this->templateObject, 'init')) { $this->templateObject->init(); } add_action('wcexaap_custom_' . $this->ident . '_hidden_fields', [$this, 'hiddenRegFieldsHtml']); } /** * Returns component name as is recognized by Vue. * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @return string */ public function getComponentName() { return 'customFieldsComponent'; } /** * Inline template for our Vue.js component. * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @return void */ public function template() { if (empty($this->customFields)) { return; } $js_custom_fields = '{}'; if (is_array($this->customFields) && count($this->customFields) > 0) { $js_custom_fields = WelcartUtils::localizeAssociativeArray($this->customFields); } $propsAndEvents = []; if ($this->controlledComponent === true) { $propsAndEvents[] = '@update-payload="updatePayload"'; $propsAndEvents[] = '@update-error-messages="updateErrorMessages"'; } $allPropsAndEvents = join(' ', $propsAndEvents); ?> <custom-fields-component ident='<?php echo $this->ident ?>' v-bind:uscescustomfields='<?php echo $js_custom_fields ?>' v-bind:displayerrors="<?php echo $this->display_errors ? 'true' : 'false' ?>" <?php echo $allPropsAndEvents ?> inline-template > <div> <?php ob_start() ?> <div v-cloak v-for="error in errorMessages" v-if="displayerrors && error" class="error_message"> {{ error }} </div> <?php $this->customFieldsMeta(); ?> <?php $html = ob_get_clean(); /** * Filters the `custom-fields-component` Vue HTML shown on the Quickpay page * * @param string $html */ $html = apply_filters('wcexaap_filter_custom_' . $this->ident . '_component_container', $html); echo $html; ?> </div> </custom-fields-component> <?php } /** * Hidden fields for Vue app * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @return string */ public function hiddenFormFields() { ob_start(); ?> <template v-for="(obj, key) in customFields"> <template v-if="obj.means == 4"> <template v-for="(nestedobj, nestedkey) in obj.value"> <input :key="'nested_' + nestedkey" :name="aap_ident + '[' + key + '][' + nestedkey + ']'" type="hidden" :value="nestedobj" /> </template> </template> <input v-else type="hidden" :name="aap_ident + '[' + key + ']'" :value="obj.value" :key="key" /> </template> <?php $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $html; } /** * Adds custom fields meta. * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @todo add option to include meta that isnt required * @global array $usces_entries * @return void */ public function customFieldsMeta() { global $usces_entries; $position_keys = ['name_pre', 'name_after', 'fax_after']; if ($this->ident !== 'order') { foreach ($position_keys as $position) { $this->templateObject->uscesCustomFieldInput($usces_entries, $this->ident, $position); } } else { $this->templateObject->uscesCustomFieldInput($usces_entries, $this->ident, ''); } } }
- __construct — Initialize type of registration
- customFieldsMeta — Adds custom fields meta.
- getComponentName — Returns component name as is recognized by Vue.
- hiddenFormFields — Hidden fields for Vue app
- init — Initializes component
- template — Inline template for our Vue.js component.