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ファイル: src/Components/CheckoutReview/Container.php
public function containerTemplate() { /** * Filters the HTML id name for the div that wraps the `checkout_review` Vue app * * @param string $wrapperid Default: `quickpay_wrapper` */ $wrapperid = apply_filters('wcexaap_filter_quickpay_wrapper_div_id', 'quickpay_wrapper'); ?> <div id="<?php echo esc_attr($wrapperid); ?>"> <div id="checkout_review" class="wcexaap"> <div id="info-confirm"> <h1 class="cart_page_title"><?php _e('Confirmation', 'usces'); ?></h1> <div class="confiem_notice"> <?php _e('Please do not change product addition and amount of it with the other window with displaying this page.', 'usces'); ?> </div> <div class="header_explanation"> <?php /** * Mirrored Welcart action hook * * @ignore */ do_action('usces_action_confirm_page_header'); ?> <?php echo $this->filterTemplateTopErrorMessage(''); ?> </div> <?php /** * Mirrored Welcart action hook * * @ignore */ do_action('usces_action_delivery_page_inform'); ?> <div id="cart"> <?php $this->loadCartComponents(); ?> </div> <?php $this->loadConfirmComponents(); ?> <div class="footer_explanation"> <?php echo $this->filterTemplateBottomErrorMessage(''); ?> <?php /** * Mirrored Welcart action hook * * @ignore */ do_action('usces_action_confirm_page_footer'); ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php }