ソース ソース
ファイル: src/Checkout.php
class Checkout extends CheckoutHooks { /** * `GenericError` instance if checkout failed, `null` otherwise * * @var GenericError|null */ private $error = null; /** * `Get Checkout Session` JSON decoded response object * * @var array|null */ private $checkoutResponse = null; /** * `Get Charge` JSON decoded response object * * @var array|null */ private $chargeResponse = null; /** * Handles a redirect from the `amazonPayRedirectUrl` returned by Amazon * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @global \usc_e_shop $usces * @return void */ public function handleCheckoutResult() { global $usces; $sessionId = $_REQUEST['amazonCheckoutSessionId']; $result = (new API\CheckoutSession\Complete($this->module))->post($sessionId); if ($result instanceof GenericError) { $this->error = $result; $this->setToErrorPage(); return; } $this->checkoutResponse = json_decode($result['response'], true); $details = $this->checkoutResponse['statusDetails']; $checkoutSessionState = new Models\CheckoutSession\State( $details['state'], $details['reasonCode'], $details['reasonDescription'] ); if ($checkoutSessionState->isCanceled()) { $this->error = $checkoutSessionState->getErrorResponseFromCanceledState(); $this->setToErrorPage(); return; } // deferred authorization if ($checkoutSessionState->isOpen()) { $res = $usces->order_processing(); if (strtolower($res) === 'ordercompletion') { $this->setToCompletionPage(); } else { $this->setToErrorPage(); } return; } if ($checkoutSessionState->isCompleted()) { $getChargeRes = (new API\Charge\Get($this->module))->get($this->checkoutResponse['chargeId']); if ($getChargeRes instanceof GenericError) { $this->error = $getChargeRes; $this->setToErrorPage(); return; } $this->chargeResponse = json_decode($getChargeRes['response'], true); $res = $usces->order_processing(); if (strtolower($res) === 'ordercompletion') { $this->setToCompletionPage(); } else { $this->setToErrorPage(); } return; } $this->error = $this->module->errors->getErrorResponse(Errors\GenericErrorStore::UNKNOWN_ERROR); $this->setToErrorPage(); } /** * Sets `$usces->page` to 'error' and adds redirect action * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @global \usc_e_shop $usces * @return void */ public function setToErrorPage() { global $usces; $usces->page = 'error'; add_filter('yoast-ga-push-after-pageview', 'usces_trackPageview_error'); add_action('the_post', [$usces, 'action_cartFilter']); add_action('template_redirect', [$usces, 'template_redirect']); } /** * Sets `$usces->page` to 'ordercompletion' and adds redirect action * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @global \usc_e_shop $usces * @return void */ public function setToCompletionPage() { global $usces; $usces->page = 'ordercompletion'; add_filter('yoast-ga-push-after-pageview', 'usces_trackPageview_ordercompletion'); add_action('the_post', [$usces, 'action_cartFilter']); add_action('template_redirect', [$usces, 'template_redirect']); } /** * Creates error HTML for error page * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @param string $html * @return string */ protected function errorPageMessage($html) { if ($this->error === null) { return $html; } return (new Views\CartErrorPage\CartErrorPage())->getErrorPageHtml($html, $this->error); } /** * Saves AmazonPay order meta data * * @author Evan D Shaw <evandanielshaw@gmail.com> * @param array $args { * Welcart `$_SESSION` variables * * @type array $cart * @type array $entry * @type int $order_id * @type int $member_id * @type array $payments * @type string $charging_type * @type array $results * } * @return void */ protected function registerOrderData($args) { if ($this->error === null) { $order = (new API\WelcartEntries())->getOrder(); $chargeState = null; if ($this->chargeResponse !== null) { $chargeState = new Models\Charge\State( $this->chargeResponse['statusDetails']['state'], $this->chargeResponse['statusDetails']['reasonCode'], $this->chargeResponse['statusDetails']['reasonDescription'] ); } OrderMeta::saveOrderMetaDataFromCheckoutSession( $this->checkoutResponse, (int)$args['order_id'], $order['total_full_price'], usces_crcode('return'), $chargeState ); } } }
- errorPageMessage — Creates error HTML for error page
- handleCheckoutResult — Handles a redirect from the `amazonPayRedirectUrl` returned by Amazon
- registerOrderData — Saves AmazonPay order meta data
- setToCompletionPage — Sets `$usces->page` to 'ordercompletion' and adds redirect action
- setToErrorPage — Sets `$usces->page` to 'error' and adds redirect action