説明 説明
NOTE: usces’ main() function is called in an init hook of priority 10. Therefore, if class files which need the usces global are initialized before 10, everything from usces will be null.
ファイル: src/AmazonPay.php
public function initializeApp() { $opts = $this->getActingOpts(); if ($opts['use_quickpay'] === 'on') { (new Views\CartPage\Factory())->getInstance($this); } // we only call init here to enqueue styles before template load (new Views\CartErrorPage\CartErrorPage())->init(); (new Views\MemberEditPage\MemberEditPage($this))->init(); (new Views\MemberLoginPage\MemberLoginPage($this))->init(); // initialize last so that hooks are registered before exit $this->restRoutes = new Routing\RestRoutes($this); $this->redirectRoutes = new Routing\RedirectRoutes($this); // listen for route matches $this->restRoutes->dispatcher->listen(); // PRIORITY MUST BE LOWER THAN 2 add_filter('usces_filter_template_redirect', function ($bool) { $this->redirectRoutes->dispatcher->listen(); return $bool; }, 1, 1); }